Portland Harbour Patrols

How many people have been recovered by Portland Harbour Authority patrols in 2023?

Since the start of the 2023 season, the Harbour Master’s launch ‘Fortuneswell’ has been involved in the recovery of 33 people on the water who were in difficulty.

The reasons for these recoveries are varied but commonly, were Kitesurfers who could not re-launch their Kites, lost their Boards/Kites or who were outside of their ability level. Stand-Up Paddleboarders who paddled downwind in strong offshore winds who then struggled to get back upwind, a large majority being small children not competent/strong enough to paddle on their own.

Seven small motor vessels were also towed back to Portland Marina and Castletown Slipway, the number one reason being engine failure.

Admin: 2nd Nov 2023 16:01:00

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